Monday, January 24, 2011


Lord, it's Monday and things have to seemed to level out @ work.  I'm finally getting caught up and folks are coming together.  I had a great Sunday @ church with my wife putting up signs.  The diet was killing both of us so we modified it to just caffeine.  My job is very physical and I had no energy.  It started to feel like I was just going through the motions.  Lord, I just need to make more time for you...period.  Diet or no diet, fast or no fast.  The days of this fast leveled me out and made me focus on my first!  Lord, I desire more intimate relationship with you.  You've done so much for me and I've watched what you've done in other's lives.   I pray for continued blessing and your presence through the Holy Spirit!

Friday, January 21, 2011

just when you need it

Lord, thank again for coming through today.  We were really struggling with what to eat and what you really want from us.  You gave us exactly what we needed when we needed it.  You are so so good!  Long day that began @ 0245.  Amen

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Old Friends

Lord, thank you for George and our conversation tonight.  I love the gift of friendship and encouragement. I received his text exactly when I needed it and I enjoyed praying with him tonight.  How cool is that that someone I met at our new church will be coming to Montgomery to worship?  I'm jealous in a way...Not much going on today other than the super-busyness of work.  Lord, thank you for giving me focus and discernment in dealings with my subordinates.  Lord, I also thank you for Pam and the amazing meals that she makes.  Only you could have given her the creativity to prepare meals that are full of flavor.  Lord, cover her with your favor as she struggles with the meals and cravings.  God, we love you.  "Do you not know?  Have you not heard?  The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.  He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom."-Isaiah 40:28

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pray with Passion

Lord, as I dig in deeper with you I realized even more how good you are.   Things are beginning to change and lives are going to transform.  I wept as I read Daniel 9 which is Daniel crying out to God about the pending desolation of Jerusalem.  Daniel was a man who prayed with passion.  This fast is teaching me to be more passionate and bold about my faith.  In this search for passion, I'm making two commitments.  A commitment to obey God's word through response and not just mere reflection.  There's a thought: let's do what the Bible says...hmmm.  I repent dear Lord that I'm not always good at that.  Forgive me and hear my prayer.  My other commitment is to believe what Jesus says.  I've made some bad decisions in the past because I heard what Jesus had to say but then I would decide whether I like it or not.  I realize that approaching Jesus in this manner demonstrates that I'll never truly hear what he has to say.  Dear Lord, please forgive me for not always believing you.  Hear my prayer.  "Now, our God, hear the prayers and petitions of your servant.  For your sake, O Lord, look with favor on your desolate sanctuary.  Give ear, O God, and hear; open your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears you Name.  We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy.  O Lord, listen!  O Lord, forgive!  O Lord, hear and act!  For your sake, O my God, do not delay because your city and your people bear your Name."-Daniel 9:17-19   The word of Lord...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 2 body shock!

I should have read a little more before I started.  No big deal; just a little headache and fatigue.  These are all common when fasting.   I started my day running a little late and grabbed a banana and my water bottle. I know that tomorrow I'll bring almond milk and mueslix cereal.   The day started with some counseling and lots of paperwork.  I was a little grumpy with the boss and not keeping my focus where it needed to be.  The day progressed better and I found out about ONEchapel leading worship night at Tree of Life Friday night.  Pam said her day was going well and she met her longtime friend Laura for lunch.  Laura wants to join us.  Praise the Lord!!  We prayed for Becca and her salvation last night.  Becca called Pam and said she was going to the ARCC women's study on Saturday.  Praise the Lord!  Also, my buddy Jim called and said he was offered a job on his drive back to San Antonio.  We prayed about his career specifically on Sunday night and God sends another sign.  I find that as I turn my focus outward, the food becomes less of an issue.  Like Daniel, I want to stand for my convictions.  This fast has already become a witness because co-workers want to know why I'm fasting.  "Is it a diet?"  "Are you going vegan?".  No, I say..."I want to know my father better."   "At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks.  I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over."-Daniel 10:2-3  Thank you Lord.  Please continue to open my eyes and ears.  I love you and belong to you.  Amen

Monday, January 17, 2011

Daniel Fast Day 1

Well, here we 1 of the Daniel Fast.  Lord, I need your strength and I rely on it.  I'm such a food junkie that I don't see how I'm going to make it 21 days.  This diet asks us to refrain from meat, sweeteners, dairy products, leavened bread and yeast, refined and processed food products, deep-fried foods, solid fats, alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks, coffee, energy drinks, and any kind of tea.  But maybe the mere fact that I'm focusing on the food is the issue.  I've been convicted lately about "being comfortable".  All throughout the new testament, Jesus continually asked people to give up EVERYTHING and follow Him. At the end of Luke 9, Jesus is confronted by three men who are eager to follow Him.  Jesus has three distinct answers: Become homeless, let someone else bury your dead father, and don't even say goodbye to your family.  God, use this experience to cause me to dig deeper in my faith with you.  If that requires my belly to growl a little bit then so be it.